Heroku with grails 2 ... Easy first steps..
Tried out the new grails 2.0 framework including deployment into the cloud
as desribed in the heroku blog - thanks to heroku
- create grails app
.. and the server is up and running with a simple grails 2 demo app. Cool.
as desribed in the heroku blog - thanks to heroku
- create grails app
grails createApp myapp- version it with git (locally)
cd myapp"
grails integrate-with --git- create "cloud server" and deploy the app
git init
git add .
git commit -m init
heroku create --stack cedar
... http://::::.herokuapp.com/ | git@heroku.com:::::::::::.git
git push heroku master
.. and the server is up and running with a simple grails 2 demo app. Cool.