Powershell snippet to send messages to telegram
* Powershell snippet to send messages to telegram:
# send am message to telegram chat via powershell script
# ======================================================
$api = '20****xw4' # botToken got with bot creation
$chatId = '8***8' # got with query on bot chat
$msg = 'Hello from powershell (server)'
$restResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ('https://api.telegram.org/bot{0}/sendMessage?chat_id={1}&text={2}' -f $api, $chatId, $msg) -Proxy http://193.**.***.207:8080
$restResponse.ok # True
* create telegram chat to send messages to:
** Create the Bot and get the token- open a chat with BotFather Bot.
- write /newbot to BotFather,
- fill all the needed information, write down the botToken (for $api)
** Create the destination chat and get the chatId
- Open a new chat with your new Bot and post a message on the chat
- Open a browser and invoke https://api.telegram.org/bot
- Look at the JSON result and write down the value of result[0].message.from.id. That is the chatId.
shamelessly copied from diverse webpages, e.g.